
The collec­tion of the Kunst­mu­seum Wolfsburg comprises more than 600 works of inter­na­tional contem­porary art. Minimal Art, Concep­tual Art, and Arte Povera mark the chrono­lo­gical starting point of the collec­tion. The year 1968 was chosen as the caesura—a year charac­te­rized by severe social and artistic upheaval. The aim has always been to limit the collec­tion to essential artistic positions and to illus­trate these in parti­cular through groups of works or series or by means of a repre­sen­ta­tive cross-section of the respec­tive artist’s oeuvre. Since the very beginning, photo­graphy and film/video have been of parti­cular impor­t­ance as the central media of contem­porary culture.

The presen­ta­tion of the collec­tion is generally organized according to thematic aspects in changing exhibi­tions. This makes it possible to present the works in ever new constel­la­tions and to preserve the liveli­ness of the collec­tion. The online catalogue also offers the possi­bi­lity of a compre­hen­sive overview of those works that are currently not on view or are on loan to other locations. Exhibi­tion views and details, as well as film and video sequences, comple­ment illus­tra­tions of the works.

Please note that some works are not suitable for children and adolescents.