
Köpper in die Kunst!

9. 5. — 28. 9. 2025


Simply dive in – without water, but with the same ease, visitors can drift through the exhibi­tion Freischwimmen. Köpper in die Kunst!

Whether with or against the flow is up to you, because unusual juxta­po­si­tions and forms of presen­ta­tion invite you to discover art from different perspec­tives and, above all, sensually. Mirror paths, spatial experi­ences, colour-light moments or changes of perspec­tive? In the flow of the exhibi­tion, works of art by inter­na­tio­nally renowned artists, as well as various pieces of furniture and inter­ac­tive stations, offer the oppor­tu­nity to experi­ence art in analogue or digital space in a refres­hingly new way. Swim with us!

Curato­rial team:

Elena Engelbrechter, Ute Lefarth-Polland, Veronika Mehlhart, Elena Pinkwart, Susan Rosenbaum
