Mischa Kuball
In an era increasingly permeated by so-called “alternative facts” in both the private and political spheres, the artist Mischa Kuball (*1959) poses central questions of meaning. He reveals social modes of action and political discourses, which, through his works, are simultaneously subjected to revision. To this end, he collated, for example, the office lighting of a high-rise building at night to form light patterns that question everyday energy consumption in the nocturnal skyline, or let a paper-thin rescue blanket be blown by the wind through streets or landscapes, the lightness and fragility of which is reminiscent of the instability and finiteness of human life. The exhibition ReferenzRäume (transl. reference spaces) has a retrospective character and presents for the first time a cross-section of Kuball’s work of the last three decades, including large-scale installations, photographs, video projections, documentations, etc. from the work complex public preposition.
Kuball sees himself as a conceptual artist working in various media and spaces. The exhibition presents his fundamental ideas with a selection of succinct works. A series of large and fascinating installations thus combine the use of light with a reflection on social, political, and scientific issues. Works created especially for Wolfsburg or placed in a new context enhance the exhibition with current socio-political references. The architecture and the immediate surroundings of the museum buildings will also be incorporated into the exhibition.
The exhibition and publication project Mischa Kuball. ReferenzRäume initiated by the Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, is being prepared in close collaboration with the artist and realized in cooperation with the Museum Morsbroich in Leverkusen, where the exhibition will subsequently be on view from November 15, 2021 to March 6, 2022.
The accompanying German-English publication (edited by Andreas Beitin, Holger Broeker, and Fritz Emslander) will be the first comprehensive compendium of Mischa Kuball’s work since 2007. An image section designed by the artist opens up connections between the works and gives the publication the character of an artist’s book. The texts by Lilian Haberer, Daniel Horn, Christina Irrgang, and Marcus Steinweg offer a profound examination of central aspects and themes in the work of Mischa Kuball.
The exhibition and publication project Mischa Kuball. ReferenzRäume is generously supported by the Stiftung Kunstfonds and the Kunststiftung NRW.
Holger Broeker
Curatorial assistance
Birte Hinrichsen
Dino Steinhof

Mischa Kuball
Die begleitende, deutsch-englische Publikation wird seit 2007 das erste übergreifende Kompendium zum Werk von Mischa Kuball sein. Ein vom Künstler arrangierter Bildteil erschließt Werkzusammenhänge und verleiht dem Katalog Künstlerbuchcharakter, während im Textteil namhafte Autoren ebenso fundiert wie durch Kuball inspiriert einen gedanklichen Resonanzraum zu den künstlerisch aktivierten Referenzräumen eröffnen.