Robin Rhode
Memory Is the Weapon
Whether it is his photographic works, digital animations, performances, wall pieces, or works on paper, the core of Robin Rhode’s multimedia oeuvre is the drawing, the line. Born in Cape Town in 1976 and raised in Johannesburg, he first studied art at the Technikon Witwatersrand, now the University of Johannesburg, followed by a postgraduate program at the South Africa School of Film, Television and Dramatic Arts in 2000.
The influence of urban music, film, popular sports, youth culture, and the local tradition of storytelling have all influenced the development of Robin Rhode’s initially typical Street Art aesthetic. His trademark is a wall that stands in a socially disadvantaged district of Johannesburg. In contrast to Graffiti and Street Art, however, he is not interested in what he leaves behind in the urban context, but rather in the process. Step by step, he photographically documents the development of narratives on his stone canvas, which in turn carries its own history. The sum of the photographs forms the narrative. While he initially drew simple sports equipment with chalk on the ground or the wall, his designs and themes have become increasingly complex—a content-related balancing act between the history, culture, mentality, signs, and codes of South Africa and the abstract language of European art history. Here, the drawing is activated by its connection with the body: Children do gymnastics on sports equipment, a pianist destroys a piano, an agile dancer cuts colored triangles on the wall with a huge hedge trimmer, as if they were cut-outs à la Matisse.
Since 2002, Robin Rhode has lived in Berlin. In contrast to the colorful wall works that are still created in South Africa, in Germany he explores black-and-white approaches to drawing. Here, he draws not only with soap, charcoal, chalk, and paint, but also with everyday objects. Chairs, bicycles, and beds become performative drawing instruments—an instrumentalization of the Readymade. The expressive drawings resulting from his energetic performances stand in contrast to the perfected illusionism and the intended lightness of his elaborate wall pieces. Robin Rhode reduces complex, at times even socially critical or analytical content to a few visual signs or, as he puts it, simplifies chaos with the means of art.
After the exhibition at the Haus der Kunst in Munich in 2007, the presentation at the Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg is the first solo exhibition in Germany since twelve years. With more than 800 square meters of digital animations, photographic series, drawings, and sculptural elements, as well as performances, it offers a broad overview of Robin Rhode’s oeuvre, including new work groups, on which he is currently working. The exhibition is accompanied by a richly illustrated catalog in German and English, including a preface by Andreas Beitin, an extensive interview with Robin Rhode and an introduction by Uta Ruhkamp.
Uta Ruhkamp
Curatorial Assistance
Elena Engelbrechter
Das Kunstmuseum der Autostadt gleicht die Berliner Ignoranz aus, lässt entdecken, was Galeristen, Kuratoren und Museumsleute in der Hauptstadt eigentlich schon seit 17 Jahren hätten sehen können.
Ingeborg Ruthe, Berliner Zeitung, 08.10.2019
Die Fotoserien entlehnen ihren Witz dem Slapstick, aber dahinter lauert die grausame Vergangenheit Südafrikas.
Simone Reber, Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Sendung „Fazit“, 28.09.2019
Bei seiner großen Retrospektive in Wolfsburg bringt Robin Rhode Politik und Schönheit in die Balance.
Elke Buhr, Monopol, 01.10.2019
Er braucht Wände und Mauern: Auf ihnen zeichnet und malt Robin Rhode geometrische Muster und ornamentale Formen, auf ihnen erzählt er Geschichten. In den letzten acht Jahren standen diese Wände in Westbury, einem sozialen Brennpunkt in Johannesburg. Hier hat er alles aufgegriffen, was den Alltag im heutigen Südafrika prägt: Musik und Sport genauso wie neueste Designtrends und soziale Themen. Dabei stand stets die Geschichte der “coloured communities” im Zentrum, die er aus seiner eigenen Familie kennt.
Gerhard Mack, Art Magazin, 01.10.2019
Rhodes Faszination für einfache Materialien, für Mauern statt Leinwand, für Performance und Bewegung korrespondiert mit der kargen Lebenswirklichkeit in Südafrika, mit der Kunst, aus wenig das Beste zu machen. Auch wenn er seine maltechnischen Fähigkeiten herunterspielt, bringt er in Serien wie „Evergreen“ komplexe geometrische Muster auf Mauerwände – und lässt die grünen Formen von einem Kerl mit Rasenmäher bearbeiten.
Florian Arnold, Wolfsburger Nachrichten, 27.09.2019
Verspielt wirken die Bilder von Robin Rhode, die das Kunstmuseum jetzt ausstellt – doch sie sind hintergründig, voller Anspielungen auf Politik, Religion und Kulturgeschichte. Wer sich die Zeit nimmt, hat in der Ausstellung „Memory is the Weapon“ (Erinnerung ist die Waffe) einiges zu entdecken.
Frederike Müller, Wolfsburger Allgemeine Zeitung, 27.09.2019