
Dear media representatives!

Welcome to the press area of ​​the Kunst­mu­seum Wolfsburg. Here you find all current press releases and press images on our exhibi­tions, events and projects. If you would like to download high-res press images, register using our regis­tra­tion form. We will be happy to register you.

If you would like to receive press releases on our current exhibi­tions, events and projects in advance, please subscribe to our press newsletter.

If you have any further questions, we look forward to hearing from you.

+49 (0) 5361 2669 0

Press dates

You can apply for accredi­ta­tion for the press confe­rence and preview by sending an email to

Press releases

Gary Hill. A Question of Percep­tion
October 12, 2024 – July 13, 2025

Since the 1970s, Gary Hill (b. 1951) has emerged as one of the foremost figures in video art. Through his mastery of techno­logy, Hill crafts immersive experi­ences that challenge the very constructs of percep­tion, revealing both the intri­cacies and uncer­tain­ties of how we interpret reality. His work extends beyond mere media critique, urging us to reexamine our own percep­tions and judgments.

Leandro Erlich. Weihgt­less
October 12, 2024 – July 13, 2025

The world is topsy-turvy at the Kunst­mu­seum Wolfsburg! The Moon has landed on the Earth, clouds condense into imagi­na­tive shapes in vitrines, a house hangs at airy heights, and visitors seem to float in the weight­less­ness of a spaceship—the exhibi­tion by the Argen­ti­nian artist Leandro Erlich offers many “wow!” effects for everyone. The specta­cular instal­la­tions, many of which were developed by the artist especially for the Kunst­mu­seum Wolfsburg, will amaze visitors with their convin­cing illusions, while at the same time inviting them on a stimu­la­ting journey to explore the exciting relati­ons­hips between techno­logy, space travel, ecology, and migration.

Press Material

In order to be able to download the press material, we will be happy to register you.

Iryna Vorona. In the Face of War

February 26 May 25, 2025


Booklet zur Ausstel­lung Gary Hill. Eine Frage der Wahrnehmung


Gary Hill. Eine Frage der Wahrnehmung

30. November 2024  bis  16. März 2025

Das Magazin zur Ausstel­lung Leandro Erlich. Schwerelos



Leandro Erlich. Schwerelos

12. Oktober 2024 bis 13. Juli 2025



In order to be able to download the press material, please log in with your existing login data or register here. The activa­tion is done by an employee and should follow within one day. In case of delays, please contact us directly.

Press Newsletter

To receive the press releases on our current exhibi­tions, events and projects in good time and in advance, register here for the press newsletter.

Press Archiv

Firelei Báez. Trust Memory Over History

6. Juli bis 13. Oktober 2024


Worlds in Motion. 30 Years Kunst­mu­seum Wolfsburg

May 25, – August 4, 2024


Paolo Pellegrin. Fragile Wonders

November 25, 2023 May 26, 2024


Kapwani Kiwanga. The Length of the Horizon

September 16, 2023–January 7, 2024


Please note that the data and infor­ma­tion made available here can only be used in connec­tion with current reporting on an exhibi­tion at the Kunst­mu­seum Wolfsburg and only with the picture details and copyright infor­ma­tion (see document on the picture details/captions in the press download section for each exhibi­tion). Any other use is prohi­bited and requires our express consent. The use of this material is permitted within the timeframe from six weeks before to four weeks after the exhibi­tion (We reserve the right to make changes and special regulations).