
Our flexible exhibition architecture

When preparing for an exhibi­tion and arranging for it, ever more museums are recognising the necessity of using flexible, re-usable wall systems, thus presen­ting a cost-effective, indivi­dual archi­tec­ture, which can be arranged according to the parti­cular exhibi­tion. The ‘Kunst­mu­seum Wolfsburg’ has spent several years in a construc­tion and testing phase with museum techni­cians and curators, develo­ping a system which is suitable for all demands of a modern exhibi­tion and at the same time offering a unique cost-effective solution. This system can be manufac­tured by means of modern produc­tion equipment in various dimen­sions according to the requi­re­ments of each user.

The partition walls can – according to customers’ requi­re­ments – be produced in any height between 2 and 8 m and any thickness between 17 and 90 cm. The partition system of the ‘Kunst­mu­seum Wolfsburg’ has been stati­cally tested and approved and was patented in 2000 by the German Patent Authority.
The Kunst­mu­seum Wolfsburg offers solutions for a flexible exhibi­tion archi­tec­ture with this system.

Walls, rooms and pedestals can be flexibly designed in height and width
Image: Marek Kruszewski


  • Homoge­neous units without unsightly joints
  • Modular system for forming various wall lengths
  • Construc­tion of long, free-standing walls as well as complex rooms (e.g. windows, corridors, doorways with and without lintel)
  • Reduction of the assembly and dismant­ling times for the exhibi­tion architecture
  • Light­weight indivi­dual modules
  • Even the large partition elements can be handled by two people
  • Long-term, re-usable construc­tion keeps costs to a minimum
  • Dismant­ling and stacking proper­ties save storage space
  • Walk-in wall units offer storage space for technical equipment such as lighting, audio or video installations
  • Easy arran­ge­ments of special construc­tions (e.g. wall recesses or display units)
  • Possi­bi­lity of integra­ting security systems
  • Wall slide-moving system available
Curved walls are also possible with the system of wood and aluminum of our wob³walls. Image: Marek Kruszewski


Otmar Böhmer

+49 (0) 5361 2669 14